Day: June 20, 2015

Who are Emanuel AME Church Charleston SC?

They are the oldest AME congregation in the South. They are one of the oldest African American congregations south of Baltimore MD. The congregation was originally formed in 1816, for reasons much as it’s denominational affiliate, over discrimination by the white Christians, mostly Methodists, in Charleston.

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Who are the AME Church?

The African Methodist Episcopal Church, or AME Church, is one of the historic black Methodist churches in the United States. It was founded in Philadelphia PA by the Rt Revd Richard Allen, at that time a black Methodist minister.

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We have no room for hating

During a bond hearing for suspected shooter Dylann Storm Roof, the family members of victims spoke of the pain of their loss. But the reports stated that over and over, in spite of their deep sense of soulless tragedy, they expressed their forgiveness to Roof.

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Charleston SC churches to ring bells Sunday morning

Many of the churches in Charleston SC are planning to ring their bells simultaneously at 10:00 am EDST tomorrow, Sunday, 21 JUN. The event is planned as a show of unity with the congregation of Emanuel AME Church after the tragic fatal attack that occurred there this past Wednesday evening.

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