Day: June 29, 2015

UPDATED: House of Bishops passes marriage resolutions

The House of Bishops on Monday approved two liturgies for trial use that will permit same-sex couples to be married in the Episcopal Church, beginning on the first Sunday of Advent of this year. Their action came just days after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples can now be married in all 50 states.

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Women’s Caucus hosts “breakfast for troublemakers!”

Today the Presiding Bishop opened her sermon with the words: Talitha cum. Girl Get up! You’re not dead yet.” She was referring to the Episcopal Church but for many who had just come from the Episcopal Women’s Caucus breakfast, it was heard as affirmation that this group of ‘troublemakers’ (a term used by Sarah Eagle Heart, the keynote speaker at the breakfast), was not only alive and well but the focus of the Caucus is needed as much as ever.

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