Neither hot nor cold: General Convention on Palestine/Israel
The Revds. Winnie Varghese and C. Eric Funston express their disappointment in the lack of discussion allowed or action taken by General Convention 2015 on Israel/Palestine.
The Revds. Winnie Varghese and C. Eric Funston express their disappointment in the lack of discussion allowed or action taken by General Convention 2015 on Israel/Palestine.
This past General Convention began moves towards a new revision of the Prayer Book, in this piece, Lisa Fischbeck asks that we consider how changing patterns of “belonging” to church might need to be reflected in how we worship
Ethicist and Blogger George Clifford responds to the ethical compromise inherent in General Convention’s approval of marriage equality with wonder and worry for the future.
Mark 5:25-34 In the first century there was a woman in Jerusalem named Berenice. She had a hemorrhage of blood, probably what we call menorrhagia. Mennorrhagia