Day: August 29, 2015

The Sacred Circle, the national Indigenous Anglican Church, takes first steps for the Anglican Church of Canada to become a two cultural stream church

During August, the 8th National Anglican Sacred Circle of the Anglican Church of Canada has been meeting in Port Elgin ON. The Sacred Circle is the Indigenous Anglican Church in Canada. Finally on 25 AUG, Sol Sanderson, from the Primate’s Commission on Discovery, Reconciliation and Justice, read a draft document from the Commission that was a proposal for a fifth ecclesiastical province for the Anglican Church of Canada. After careful consideration the Sacred Circle came to a consensus on the proposal and endorsed sending it to the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples.

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St Mary’s Academy in Portland OR adopts a new sexual orientation nondiscrimination policy

St Mary’s Academy, a Roman Catholic high school for young women in Portland OR had withdrawn a job offer earlier made to a woman who later reported to the school that she was a lesbian. Less that 24 hours after the job recension was reported to the students and their parents by the school’s president, the school’s board has done an about face and has adopted a equal opportunity employment policy that includes sexual orientation and marital status.

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