When white people object to “Black Lives Matter”
Mary Joyce sees the usual objections to #blacklivesmatter as a chance to teach and engage. She suggests answers to the seven typical objections that white people raise.
Mary Joyce sees the usual objections to #blacklivesmatter as a chance to teach and engage. She suggests answers to the seven typical objections that white people raise.
St. Matthew’s Church used to meet in a big church building in Westerville, OH. Now they meet in pubs and a storefront and is growing in unexpected ways.
As refugees flood Germany and other European communities, a surprising number of people raised Muslim are choosing to adopt Christianity and be baptized in their new homes.
This weeks review is of the sleeper hit War Room
Scott McLeod looks at that terrible picture and weeps.
Episcopal Migration Ministries says that the Syrian refugee crisis is the largest forced displacement of people in the world today with 9.5 million people displaced, including 3.2 million refugees who have fled to neighboring countries.
Why, then, do we cling so desperately to control and certainty? Well, if control and certainty are the first two legs of the three-legged stool of arrogance, fear is the third.