Clemency denied once more for Kelly Gissendaner
Despite last-minute appeals from her children and a letter from the Pope, the parole board declined to stay this evening’s execution, set for 7 pm.
Despite last-minute appeals from her children and a letter from the Pope, the parole board declined to stay this evening’s execution, set for 7 pm.
The Episcopal News Service reports on an Anglican church in Canada that is using red tape as a sign of hope for refugees fleeing Syria.
Georgia’s Pardons and Parole Board says that it will meet this morning at 11 am to consider a new request from Gissendaner, including “supplemental information.”
Not a word of what Jesus said to the children is recorded in scripture, but what a powerful lesson he preached. He swept aside the barriers raised against the children. He did not just talk to them of God’s love. He held them in that love. He blessed them with it.