Divestment is only the first step – what about those left behind?
Divestment in carbon fuels can also means divestment in people and communities – but it doesn’t need to
Divestment in carbon fuels can also means divestment in people and communities – but it doesn’t need to
Like many congregations, his church was struggling to raise adequate financial resources. Yet, if more people gave generously, like he learned as a child, the church would have enough money and then some. What’s up with Episcopalians and the tithe?
Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves reminds us of the importance of gender equity in the body of Christ and shows how we can continue moving in that direction
How do you stay engaged when troubles come, when the answer isn’t the one you wanted? It may be that it’s that beautiful liturgy. But, it might also be a nagging question that you’d like to bring out into the open. It might be joy, or creativity, or weeping, or anger, or sadness. These are all ways that we stay engaged. And whatever it may be for you, it’s a step up from walking away.