Day: October 17, 2015

A family’s memorial gift is caught in the crossfire over St James the Great, Newport Beach

So today the memorial rose window’s future lies in the land dispute and Dio LA’s plans. Originally a family of eight, the Lyons would be happy to remove the window from the property and have it placed at one of the local health facilities which also played a part in caring for Patrick during his illness; Hoag Hospital or Children’s Hospital of Orange County. However, to date, Val Lyon, Patrick’s older brother who was 15 at the time of Patrick’s death, has not been able to speak to anyone in the diocese regarding the disposition of the window.

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Male Adventist clergy trade in their credentials in support of unordained women

The Revd Mike Speegle, senior pastor of New Hope Adventist church in Fulton Md, is a member of a small movement among male clergy in the US in the Seventh-day Adventist Church who are protesting the recent vote at the Seventh-day Adventist 60th General Conference not to ordain women. The men are surrendering their ordained credential for the only credential available to Adventist women serving in ministry.

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Agreement drops clause from the Creed

The meeting of the Anglican-Oriental Orthodox International Commission and the Agreement reached by the Commission was a major milestone for the two families of churches, Anglican & Oriental Orthodox. The Commission has made a major agreement regarding the common beliefs of the two groups regarding the nature of Christ. It was also noted that the Commission had also made a preliminary agreement with regard to the Holy Spirit. That preliminary agreement concerns the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, commonly known as the Nicene Creed.

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Speaking to the Soul: Friends

It feels like life is just too busy for me to just sit quietly and enter into a companionable silence with God. I think of gotten out of the habit. Perhaps that’s what the hymn is trying to remind me …

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