Presiding Bishop calls people to prayer
Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church releases video calling people to prayer in response to the violence in Paris, France.
Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church releases video calling people to prayer in response to the violence in Paris, France.
Jonathan Merritt says that Christians need to get a clue about transgender issues and provides a useful introduction to gender identity issues and ways to think about gender theologically and biblically.
According to a new study, some mainline Protestant churches are much more likely to reply to an email from a potential new member with a white-sounding name than a black-, Hispanic- or Asian-sounding name.
A study published in the Journal of Anglican Studies says that the Anglican Communion is probably smaller that we think.
November can often be a hard month. It can be a month of losses, starting with losing that precious hour of daylight in the evening when the clocks change. It is also the month of All Souls’ Day and Veterans’ Day and my late father’s birthday