Day: November 19, 2015

Anger is a gift not to be wasted

Anger has an important role to play in the life of faith. People who do not admit anger into their spiritual repertoire are living a faith unknown to Jesus or the prophets who preceded him, and unknown to the authors of the Bible.

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On NOT keeping Christ in Christmas

“The empire of the world may have hijacked the season with consumerism, greed and the relentless pursuit of goods, using Christmas as an opportunity to buy and sale, but trying to force culture to respect our holiday (so to speak) will yield minimal results.”

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Speaking to the Soul: For Ourselves

It’s true I could be wrong about them. I could be fooled. But that’s not the important thing. What matters here is that I know who I am – who I am in relationship with God. I am a person who helps people in trouble.

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