Out of the swamp and into the sanctuary
The Force: It’s not just for levitating X-Wing fighters and nervous droids out of the Dagobah quicksand anymore. Clergy and lay ministers throughout The Episcopal
The Force: It’s not just for levitating X-Wing fighters and nervous droids out of the Dagobah quicksand anymore. Clergy and lay ministers throughout The Episcopal
An internationally recognized symbol of all that is Anglican today discovered that their massive pipe organ was missing.
The importance of non-primary family members and the roles they can play in supporting children as they become adults is an important variable demonstrated in this film.
If it’s been a long week, or if you have a long day ahead, then today’s Psalm has just the refrain for you.
The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music has officially released a supplement to the Eucharistic rite, approved for trial use beginning on Easter Sunday, 2017. The supplement allows for the addition of fish to the usual Eucharistic elements of bread and wine.