Day: April 15, 2016

Church Times Leader: “dogged individualism a strength of Anglicanism”

The centuries-long suspicion of prelacy in the Anglican character could be seen as an openness to this other aspect of the Spirit, and is manifested not only here in the UK but also overseas, as we have seen in Kenya in recent days. The desire to be united around the world will hold the Communion together, but it will always be in tension with a dogged individualism that is one of the strengths of Anglicanism. – Church Times editorial

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Faith Reels: ‘Allegiant’ … finally, the truth

This week’s film review is the next chapter in the divergent series. There’s not much hope in films like these, yet young people are repeatedly drawn to them. Maybe that should tell people of faith that the Gospel message of hope and the unlikely power of love over death should be shared more widely.

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