Day: May 15, 2016

A church without pews

At first, I must admit that the change from a beautiful, historic sanctuary to a much more modest one was disconcerting. There’s a lot you lose when you don’t have pews. I miss kneeling during parts of the service. It’s harder to snuggle children close and hold hands with your spouse. Chairs are meant for meetings, while pews invite worship. I’ve discovered, however, that there are some significant things churches gain with those utilitarian chairs.

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Lessons for TEC in the “Book of Mormon”

Why has nobody written a Broadway musical about The Episcopal Church (TEC) or our cherished Book of Common Prayer? Encouragingly, perhaps few outsiders find us sufficiently obnoxious to be fertile soil for humor. Less encouragingly, in comparison to the Mormons, TEC has a lower public profile, our institutions are less energetic, we expect less from our membership, and our liturgies are more common than unique, representing a (if not the) principal root of most English-language Christian worship.

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What if…

The image from our Te Deum window over the West Doors of the cathedral.. is one I find striking. It is of St. Michael the Archangel.It reminds me of a church and a church history with which I am uncomfortable. Might. Power. Authority (in the midst of deep mystery! Too many theologians are too sure of too much!) Armor. Shields. Helmets. The Holy Spirit uses wind and whispers!

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