Day: September 2, 2016

Adults facilitated objectification of women at St. George’s School

Beginning shortly after girls were admitted, new female students (in either the ninth or tenth grade) served as “bunnies,” an ostensible honor that required that they don Playboy costumes—leotards, bunny tails, and ears—and act as servers for the predominantly male student body and faculty who enjoyed casino games as the girls dispensed fake cigarettes and cigars. At least some students recalled that Dolly Howard, then Dean of Female Students, may have held onto the bunny costumes and accessories year-to-year and distributed them to the female students. Some recall that all new students wore the costumes, while others recall that girls were selected based on perceived attractiveness.

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Speaking to the Soul: Liturgy of the Word

How were early communities listening for the word of the Lord when they heard the good news? Can their patterns and attitudes help us to listen more expectantly, and invite God to speak more boldly?

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