Day: October 29, 2016

Bp Bruno to face disciplinary hearing in March

Meeting in Chicago, a Hearing Panel consisting of three bishops, a priest and a layperson have determined that the bishop of Los Angeles, the Rt Rev Jon Bruno will face a disciplinary hearing in March on charges related to the closure and attempted sale of property once occupied by St James the Great Episcopal Church in Newport Beach.

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The Canadian Diocese of Algoma elects one of their own as its new bishop

The Ven Ann Germond has led the Church of the Ascension of New Sudbury ON, a parish of Dio Algoma, for 16 years. Even though she had not been an original candidate with the slate of nominees, after being nominated from the floor of the synod, she was elected the 11th bishop diocesan of Dio Algona on the 6th ballot. She received 70 of 102 votes in the lay house of laity and 30 of 44 votes in the clergy house.

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Another product commercial to raise the ire of the One Million Moms

The maker of Secret deodorant for women, Proctor & Gamble, has been developing a series of commercials for the deodorant, the Secret #Stress Test ad campaign. The most recent addition to the campaign, released this week, shows us that there is “no wrong way to be a woman.” The commercial features transgender actress Karis Wilde.

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Speaking to the Soul: Fall and beyond

When souls are not tended carefully, they are like a plant that doesn’t get water or fertilizer. They shrivel and never reach the potential that was present when they were mere seedlings.

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