A voice of hope from South Africa
The The Revd Dr Rachel Mash is the Co-ordinator for the Anglican Church of South Africa’s Environmental Network. In this essay from ACNS, she shares her hopes, rooted in her faith, for 2017 and beyond
The The Revd Dr Rachel Mash is the Co-ordinator for the Anglican Church of South Africa’s Environmental Network. In this essay from ACNS, she shares her hopes, rooted in her faith, for 2017 and beyond
Growing out of needs discovered in a feeding ministry, one man and his church are trying to provide transportation to those in need
The Rt Rev Dan Martins, bishop of Springfield, has offered a teaching to his own diocese on the nature of ministry that is clear, concise and offers much to consider to anyone involved or interested in ordination processes or ministry in general.
I sometimes strain to see the reign of God, the “yeast action,” at work in my country these days. Even many who name themselves Christian incarnate values of denigration, domination, greed, division, baseness, and every form of oppression, mostly notably racism.