Popping Collars #54: Lest ye be judged
Ann, Betsy, Greg, and Liz talk about the intersection between the work of film critics and the work of the Church. What can we learn from those who critique culture professionally?
Ann, Betsy, Greg, and Liz talk about the intersection between the work of film critics and the work of the Church. What can we learn from those who critique culture professionally?
Luci and Jordan go through the whole of Deuteronomy!
Listen to this choral interpretation of the Beatitudes titled Bonhoeffer, written by Thomas Lloyd, Director of Music at the Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral which has been nominated for a Grammy for Best Choral Performance
A few weeks after our return from Alaska, I heard about a 15-year-old girl who had spent a week in the homeless shelter for teens in Portland… After work that afternoon, with my newly re-expanded notion of family buzzing annoyingly near my left ear, I marched out to the deck where my husband had started happy hour. Our nest had emptied four years before…
“Here’s the thing …” I began.
Within a week I was learning to unbraid hair and dancing in the kitchen to hip-hop. After raising boys, I was thrilled to suddenly find this brave, resilient young woman at the counter making waffles with me.
by George Clifford At the end of the Reagan era, I found liberation theology attractive for four reasons: The then prevalent emphasis on
The small sea of Virginia Bluebells near the river behind Thomas Jefferson’s home seemed like a carpet of baby-blue and pale green to me in my first year of ordained ministry with fresh, jet-black shirts, optimism and a brand-new cassock.
As refugees we have found refuge, and we are to become a refuge too.