Book Review: The Ultimate Quest
We review the new book, The Ultimate Quest: A Geek’s Guide to (the Episcopal) Church by Jordan Haynie Ware, a fun, pop-culture take on the world of Episcopalianism
We review the new book, The Ultimate Quest: A Geek’s Guide to (the Episcopal) Church by Jordan Haynie Ware, a fun, pop-culture take on the world of Episcopalianism
Luci & Jordan look at some p0werful female protagonists (Deborah, Barak, and Jael) in the Book of Judges
I, like a great many people, experience some places as holy places. However, I do not believe that God created specific holy places. Ongoing, consistent evolutionary processes produced the cosmos as we know it. This presumably precludes God differentiating particular places in ways that those places are inherently holy or “thin,” i.e. places in which God is more easily or frequently encountered.
There are deep theological underpinnings to the present political struggle. These include: the perennial desire for a savior, the existence of evil and the consequences of man’s inescapable nature.
“As Jesus tries, the blind man tries. He looks and blindness has given way to partial sight but then he has to “look intently” – he has to try harder to be healed. Funny that.”
There’s no pressure this morning to be mistake free. We can all breathe a sigh of relief because we are all going to make mistakes, probably lots of them. But we can grow towards persistence in faith, persistence in hope, and persistence in love by simply never giving up.