Prayer is not wishful nonsense
Is prayer worth doing? The Revd. Giles Fraser writes in The Guardian on what prayer does and does not do. “Can everyone stop all this
Is prayer worth doing? The Revd. Giles Fraser writes in The Guardian on what prayer does and does not do. “Can everyone stop all this
We continue our reflective journey along the Way of the Cross with stations 7 and 8 (Jesus falls a second time and Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem)
Owanah Anderson, Choctaw elder, wise warrior woman, beloved friend/mentor, fierce Episcopalian, died today.
Bass, a lifelong Episcopalian, takes his faith seriously but also thinks a bit of humor goes a long way when evangelizing.
Love can only exist where there is freedom to choose and it cannot be a false choice where we return to God out of a sense of duty or obligation.