Day: April 8, 2017

The Way of the Cross, a meditation for Holy Week

By the Revd Br Tobias Stanislas Haller, BSG. The video is a set of Stations of the Cross that Tobias created for his parish in 2014. The music for meditating is a Symphonic poem that Tobias wrote in 1982. The music is based on traditional music of the Passion and ends with a chorale that “looks beyond the Way of the Cross towards Easter.”

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Religious liberty vs LGBTQ citizens

We have perhaps all seen the most vocal situations of businesses not wanting to serve LGBTQ folks. The legal argument is, that any business owner with a firmly held religious belief, should be allowed to refuse service to LGBTQ folks, if serving them would violate the business owner’s belief. The conservative law firms that fight these cases often contend that their position is that which is held by the majority of US citizens. Recent polling affirms that only one group actually supports laws legalizing discrimination against LGBTQ citizens.

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Speaking to the Soul: Being Disconnected

It’s time to connect with God, and connect with my neighbor, not just on a cell phone, or chat, or a tweet, but in face-to-face, hand-to-hand, eye-to-eye ways. Time to reconnect with God, because that’s the most important connection of all.

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