Indonesian soccer players pray together in sign of religious unity
During a match at the beginning of June, three players of the Bali United soccer team took a moment to pray, each according to their traditions.
During a match at the beginning of June, three players of the Bali United soccer team took a moment to pray, each according to their traditions.
Archbishop of Canterbury: “The freedom to worship without fear is a right we cherish as a nation and was won at great human cost over many years.”
“The model that we’ve been working with of parish churches, each of which has at least one sort of full-time priest and a building … that model is rapidly failing,”
After everything they’ve been through, the disciples, quite understandably, are a bit confused about what Jesus is up to now. They seem to be looking for the stereotypical happy ending that we all hope will arrive to end our suffering. They are hoping this is the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel; that Jesus will finally be the king they are looking for; that the time has arrived when he will restore the kingdom to Israel.