Weirdos or Miracles?
A presenter at the Q Christian Fellowship Conference on behalf of the #BornPerfect Campaign reflects on the experience
A presenter at the Q Christian Fellowship Conference on behalf of the #BornPerfect Campaign reflects on the experience
It feels like we humans have a spiritual spot which is like the dog’s paw or the human foot…sensitive, tender, easily triggered because of so many alert-nerve-endings. We have, inside us, a spot which humans and God can “touch” that triggers us.
It’s a doozy of an episode – witchcraft, prostitution, incest, menstruation, and more!
Ashes to Go and Ashes to Stay
To linger is tempting. I know. I don’t want to give up anything, after all. But Lent is about more than giving something up. More, even, than taking something on. There are probably a thousand or more good things you could do for Lent, but unless you allow the light of the world to shine gently in your own life, you will not really be doing it right.