Begin with me – part 2
‘Let peace begin with me,’ the song proclaims. It can occur in a classroom. For that matter, it can occur in a supermarket, or in a post office; it occurs anywhere that kindness prevails over anger and rush.
‘Let peace begin with me,’ the song proclaims. It can occur in a classroom. For that matter, it can occur in a supermarket, or in a post office; it occurs anywhere that kindness prevails over anger and rush.
Ezekiel turns, at last, from doom and devastation to the beauty of God’s promises
Later today a friend will arrive on Little Bird Farm from far away. He is coming for the sunlight, some pampering and some rest. The house is clean, some food is bought and the cornbread is made. Could not my cornbread and some tea be a sacrament?
I often think about this when I am dealing with people,.. I like to remember that what I am seeing is not the whole person. There are histories and stories behind the person in front of me, things I can’t understand. And hopefully, I can find some compassion in that.