Day: February 27, 2019

Even in multi-racial parishes, clergy of color face discrimination

White pastors of multiracial churches receive disproportionate resources, have greater authority and are valued more by their congregations than clergy of color. Even in multiracial churches, “Neither African American nor Asian American pastors—regardless of their particular ethnicity, race, culture, or histories—are gaining entrée into the white majority. They are both hitting the same white wall,”

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Extract from an ordination sermon

It is in serving the most vulnerable, the most easily overlooked, ignored, or exploited people that we learn the most about the love of Christ; because it is by the need to listen deeply, by setting aside our own agendas and letting ourselves be led by the pain of others that we find our way to the foot of the cross.

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Early reactions to UMC GC2019

“Whatever comes next for The United Methodist Church, I am steadfast in my belief that the General Conference cannot release us from our responsibility to love and care for a world groaning for justice.
We must also put our faith into action, and continue to work for LGBTQIA equality in civil and human rights.”

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