Day: August 4, 2019

Bushy the Squirrel: A Parable

Once upon a time there was a squirrel named Bushy. He was a fine little squirrel, but as he grew older everyone began to notice a change in him. All he cared about was gathering nuts. Every day you could hear his voice ringing through the forest: “Gotta get more nuts! Gotta get more nuts!”

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Greed = Death

“This story is about greed, a lot of Jesus’s parables are. But it is also about the unseen people in the story:  Who grew the crops, who would build the barns, why does the man have no one to talk to?”

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Wearing the cross

Having finally wrapped my brain around the impossible goodness of our Lord, I decided I owed it to Him to wear a cross.

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Letting Go

I clutter my home with love.  Well, things really.  But they are icons of love – hard to let go of and yet…it is time to simplify.  It is time “to small” my life.  Small should be a verb.

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