Defending the call of the Spirit
A reflection on the costs of supporting change in the church through the story of one ally of ordaining women 45 years ago
A reflection on the costs of supporting change in the church through the story of one ally of ordaining women 45 years ago
“As Christians, we believe that Jesus was the savior that they were looking for, the messiah, and that by his life, death, and resurrection he has saved all of us too. The reality on-the-ground, though, was that Jesus’s presence was creating division. For once, Jesus was telling it like it was. His presence was separating families, causing arguments, and creating unrest. It had kindled a fire and things were burning. “
When we abandon all that is good we shouldn’t be surprised that it doesn’t turn out well. “The days are surely coming says the Lord…” that there is a hopeful and a different way.
We humans like to leave a mark behind which says: “I was here.” We wonder what will be left behind when we die? Was it good people raised, big churches built, good sermons written, good art in homes or galleries or good memories of people who loved us and occasionally tell stories including or even about us?