Not a Creditor, but our Savior
Where is Jesus’ parable of the dishonest steward taking us?
Where is Jesus’ parable of the dishonest steward taking us?
Since 2017, a new English language tutoring program for immigrants & refugees has been quietly thriving in the Northwest Portland cathedral where it began.
How might Jesus’ story of the dishonest manager impact our lives today?
Luci and Jordan on this desert mother who disguised herself as a man, in penance, and lived as a monk until her death.
The classic leftovers-dessert shows that something wonderful can be crafted with nothing much at all
We may not be culpable for the systemic evil that surrounds us, but we are too often complicit.
“I enjoy thinking of God as the “dishonest manager”. God sneaks up on us, changing the standard by which we measure our value, making us see ourselves as paid up in all our debts.”