Faith to Go for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany
Jesus’ Call to Justice w/ the Rev. Mary Lynn Coulson LIVE From Rooted In Jesus 2020
Jesus’ Call to Justice w/ the Rev. Mary Lynn Coulson LIVE From Rooted In Jesus 2020
Lisa and Jon on the nature of call and our responses to Jesus’ invitation
Luci and Jordan on St Irene, the great martyr
Nobody likes rejection. And “family” is a word that forms the etymological base for “familiar.” In other words, we will stay in what is “familiar” no matter how dysfunctional because being rejected for speaking the truth to power will have consequences.
“That’s why authenticity is important. That’s why telling our stories is important. That’s why, in our churches, it’s so important to work through our conflicts and set aside petty ego-issues in the service of loving one another. We are the beloved community.”