Astonishing Kindness
“We were made and set here, the writer Annie Dillard once wrote, “to give voice to our astonishments.”
“We were made and set here, the writer Annie Dillard once wrote, “to give voice to our astonishments.”
Jon and Lisa talk about the choice God offers to thrive or to wither; to walk in the way of the Lord or to stumble on our own pathway
Special guest Dr Wil Gafney joins to talk about St Mary of Egypt
“Jesus was always unequivocally supportive of those without voice or place in their communities — lepers, tax collectors, beggars, people who were unwhole. He healed the broken, never making them feel as if they had no dignity. He restored outcasts to their communities. He invited new understanding of what it means to be a neighbor to everyone, no matter what their differences.”