Faith To Go for the first Sunday in Lent
Jesus’ temptations and how they might affect our lives
Jesus’ temptations and how they might affect our lives
“Charlotte Allen asks where the Christian faith is in Little Women. The 2019 Little Women film may not have the explicit references or the pedagogical morality of earlier iterations of the novel, but Greta Gerwig has turned this question to the church – where is the Christian faith and praxis in the church and in Christians?”
“Lent is an opportunity for us to learn to pace ourselves, even if we fall every single day. It is a time of falling, picking ourselves up, and taking another step forward rather than going ten steps backward. It’s a time period in which we work to get to the end, and hopefully, when we do reach the end, we feel we have accomplished something, we have grown in some way, we have come to new understandings of things that were cloudy to us before.”