Day: April 8, 2020

Covid-19 and guns

As advocates, we remain committed to revising our country’s appallingly lax gun laws. We lament the current surge in gun purchases, and we urge you to join us in mitigating the violence that accompanies it through small but courageous acts of attention, compassion and concern. – Bishops United Against Gun Violence

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Anxiety of the World

“Peter failed – betrayed – Jesus three times. From experience, I can tell you that betrayal cuts the soul to the quick; reality becomes quicksand.  Yet, the Jesus of seventy times seven love turned to look at Peter, and Peter wept bitterly. How many of the following nights did Peter dream of that moment, having betrayed the man to whom he had sold his soul? I am certain Peter’s anxiety dreams ended that day weeks later when standing on the beach, Jesus invited Peter three times to tell Jesus how much he loved him.”

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