Faith to Go: Our Call to Antiracism
Special guest, the Rev. Mary Lynn Coulson, joins to discuss Jesus’ instructions to his disciples when sending them out on their first mission from this week’s gospel reading
Special guest, the Rev. Mary Lynn Coulson, joins to discuss Jesus’ instructions to his disciples when sending them out on their first mission from this week’s gospel reading
We respond to David Dark’s article, “We Are Living In An apocalypse” in America Magazine (the Jesuit Review)
“We have times of day when God reminds us to stop, breathe, look for the blessings, and enjoy what God is given us at that time. The whole thing was God’s plan from the beginning, so shouldn’t we be kind enough and observant enough to stop, take advantage of it, and add a little thank you from time to time during the day? It’s so easy to take a deep breath and send up a mental “Thank you,” all at the same time.”