Day: June 20, 2020

Black Lives Matter to God

“Christianity is a religion of transformation: think of Paul’s appeal to transform one’s mind in alignment with the radical new freedom inaugurated by Jesus’ resurrection. It is a religion, even, of revolution: think of Mary’s song about how her son will cast down the mighty and lift up the poor and hungry.”

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Searching for Joy

“Proverbs is one book of the Bible that has something for just about every occasion. In looking up the word “joy,” I found, “A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken.  The mind of one who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouths of fools feed on folly.  All the days of the poor are hard, but a cheerful heart has a continual feast” (15:13-15).”

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Five Poems from Said to Godhead Poems

“I Said to Godhead:

The first rule of radio is that dead air freaks people out, makes them change the station. When there should be sound, and is none, is uncomfortable. Are you even listening to me? You can almost hear people straining their ears to hear you, to catch one note echoing back in reply to a prayer, a plea, a please. Do you even have a sound, a vibration? Pure silence is impossible to hear because our ears make a faint noise when listening—it is our eardrums humming a bit. Do I sound crazy because it’s the truth? It’s true—we can’t hear silence because our own bodies are so loud, our biology reminding us we’re not rotting, not yet. You must know that our ear drums continue to vibrate for a while after we’re dead. Is that you, finally?”

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