Presiding Bishop Curry on PBS Newshour
Our presiding bishop, Michael Curry, brings his message of love to PBS Newshour and knocks it out of the park. Must viewing: Following the way of love through divisions, upheaval and uncertainty (7 minutes)
Our presiding bishop, Michael Curry, brings his message of love to PBS Newshour and knocks it out of the park. Must viewing: Following the way of love through divisions, upheaval and uncertainty (7 minutes)
It’s not possible for society to remain in lockdown indefinitely, either economically or psychologically, even if that might be the perfect solution for protecting the most vulnerable. But neither is it in the least OK to write off those who will be most at risk for the benefit of the economy and those who want to get back to normal and take the risk.
“Getting their son’s name right mattered to Mary and Joseph, also. Both of them were told before Jesus’ birth the name of the child that we all know as the one who was born in Bethlehem.”