Proud Boys leader arrested, sued for allegedly destroying churches’ BLM signs
Ahead of protests of Presidential election results in DC this week, called for by President Trump, the leader of the Proud Boys was arrested and
Ahead of protests of Presidential election results in DC this week, called for by President Trump, the leader of the Proud Boys was arrested and
A farmer once told me that, when plowing a field, he can both feel and hear differences when the plow crosses an old, forgotten, unmarked grave. Perhaps, like the farmer’s knowing plow, differences can be felt here sitting on the ground in a Shaker cemetery. Should I be kneeling?
While the Gospel is not a political platform, it is a radical message of inclusion with political implications. For example, women’s equality, racial justice, LGBTQ rights, protections for the poor and marginalized are all important political issues, but they are also at the heart of the Gospel. The Good News of Jesus that has been passed down to us through our tradition is thoroughly progressive, not in terms of lining up perfectly with a political platform but in seeking to ever expand the circle of community and equality. In the United States, a move toward greater equality in all of these vital issues has been achieved either directly through the voting process or through legislative and judicial decisions built upon a foundational commitment to democratic elections.
” ‘Twelfth Night’ is a play full of fun and confusion, a parody of the pretensions of the rich and ‘noble.’ Its characters show a reversal of servant-master roles. There are violations of the strict rules of deference toward lords and ladies.”