Day: January 17, 2021

Loree Penner: Speaking Frankly

I weep because hatred wears many costumes. Most of those we are familiar with: racism, sexism, homophobia. But one of the costumes hate wears is righteousness. It is a costume, trust me – it is not the real thing. However, that costume is worn with the belief that the wearer is in the right. We saw it in the Capitol that day – the righteous costume on a person changing out our flag. People calling themselves Christian and doing unchristian acts.  People thinking they were doing the right thing by scaling the walls of a government building.

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The Daily Sip: Resilience

Beauty comes from hardships.  Blemishes to body and spirit. I wish it were not so. Grace comes from letting it all happen the way a pot lets me chip it when I carelessly knock it during my own life-tantrums. Grace comes from us letting others hit us in their tantrums. 

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Love and Listening

“On Day 5 I envisioned an image of planets in orbit around the sun, and Day 6 brought one particular planet to the forefront — all self-contained and resplendent in its thin envelope of air.  Love is a force like gravity.”

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