Faith to Go: Hiding Space for Mystery
David and Charlette talk about what it means to be good soil, and our need to control how things grow.
David and Charlette talk about what it means to be good soil, and our need to control how things grow.
We close out our conversations on the creeds by talking about the Athanasian creed (which isn’t really a creed nor was it written by Athanasius) plus we highlight an ancient heresy and Lisa delights to learn Jon was wrong* in a previous episode.
This week we’re taslking about the Spanish mystic, reformer, author and Doctor of the Church, Teresa of Avila
The crew talks about their own picks for your pop culture delight
But that is where the happiness over my homily came to an end, because I said that as Christians, perhaps we should add a ritual to Valentine’s Day. Perhaps we should celebrate Agape as much as Eros, and follow the words of Our Lord, to love our enemies, to pray for those who persecute us, to put aside anger and vengefulness in favor of the call Jesus made to us, who follow Him.
“I wonder what sorts of dreams David had before Samuel’s arrival. He was a poet and a musician. Did he play for his brothers and for the sheep he tended, thinking that would be his greatest gift? Did he envision a lifetime of caring for the family flocks on the Palistinian hillsides?”