Priest by day, Mars Rover scientist by night
The Rev. Pamela Conrad, Ph.D. is a scientist and Episcopal priest. She also considered a career in opera.
The Rev. Pamela Conrad, Ph.D. is a scientist and Episcopal priest. She also considered a career in opera.
I love these lines from a Prayer for Travel: “Lord, as I set off on my travels, I pray that You would be with me and remain close to me as my travel companion as I go on this journey, just as You walked with Your two disciples along the road after Your glorious resurrection. Fill my heart with Your peace and joy, and remove any anxious thoughts, I pray. Guide me Father, and keep me safe throughout my travels, even when I am passing through rough and difficult terrain.” When I was 15 and unpacking mementos from a souvenir shop, I never expected such resonant and recurring spiritual relationship. As it turns out, they were never alone, nor was I.
“Even today many young men and women, finding their souls bound to the soul of another of the same sex, have to be duplicitous. Unable to give themselves fully to a heterosexual relationship and equally unable to remain celebate, they live out their most meaningful relationships in darkness. Some suffer such horror and despair that they take their own lives.”