Washington National Cathedral 10 years after earthquake
Tweets will be added to this post throughout the day. From @washingtonpost: 10 years after the 2011 earthquake, @WNCathedral has reached the half-way mark:https://t.co/4J1J0RJt8w —
Tweets will be added to this post throughout the day. From @washingtonpost: 10 years after the 2011 earthquake, @WNCathedral has reached the half-way mark:https://t.co/4J1J0RJt8w —
A man has filed suit against the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island and two churches alleging that as a boy he was sexual abused by the Rev. Paul Wancura from 1978 to 1985. The suit filed in State Supreme Court seeks $20 million in damages.
“As it turns out, “music of the spheres” comes from the phrase Musica universalis, and is a philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies – the sun, moon and planets – as a form of music.”