Nashotah House professor appointed to “secret panel”

According to The Missioner, Pentecost 2009 issue (page 3), the publication of Nashotah House Seminary:

Daniel Westberg, Nashotah House’s Professor of Christian Ethics and Moral Theology, has been appointed to a Theological Panel commissioned by the House of Bishops’ Theological Committee to submit reports on the issue of same-sex marriage. Chaired by Dr. Ellen Charry, Professor of Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, the panel is composed of eight members, four of whom represent conservative theological views on sex and marriage, four of whom represent revisionist (sic) positions. The panel will submit two parallel documents to the Episcopal House of Bishops in January [2010].

“That the House of Bishops didn’t just appoint a token conservative to the panel,” Westberg says, “indicates that they are interested in seeing these issues given the theological reflection they deserve. And that we are not expected to produce a ‘blended’ or compromise position is even more hopeful yet.” The panel meets regularly to exchange draft positions, to critique each other’s arguments and to allow each side to more honestly and completely account for the positions they hope to answer in detail and depth.

“We don’t imagine that we are going to change the mind of the Episcopal Church by ourselves,” Westberg says. “But we have been given an opportunity to engage these questions with careful theological thinking. And that represents a substantial improvement over what is too often our habit of yielding, in an unthinking way, to the influence of our culture today.”

Will the others will reveal themselves?

h/t to The Rt. Rev. Walter Righter

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