Biking for life

From Episcopal Relief and Development:

The Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Bishop of the Diocese of Ohio, and seven other cyclists persevere after riding for three days through extreme temperatures up to 120 degree in Nevada, Arizona and Utah. “Their dedication is an admirable display of their commitment towards raising funds for our NetsforLife® program partnership,” remarked Brian Sellers-Peterson, Director of Church Engagement for Episcopal Relief & Development.

In less than one week, they have received generous contributions from the Episcopal Church and Episcopalians around the country. To date, the Bishops Bike Ride has brought in $11,138 in contributions and $21, 744 in pledges towards NetsforLife® which provides insecticide-treated nets and training in 17 countries to prevent malaria.


The team departed Pueblo, Colorado on Tuesday July 21 and is moving towards the flatlands of Kansas through July 23. They encourage those who have a bike, to join them for the ride. To view a map of their route click here. Also, you can follow this inspiring cross country journey and view daily updates as well as photos on the Riding for Their Lives blog.

Bishop Hollingsworth considers the ride a “stretch” on all levels. “Physically, the riders and crew are challenged to know their limits and live with them… relationally, living in very close quarters and trying to accomplish together a great challenge… and as an act of mission as it opens our hearts to those on behalf of whom we are riding and inspires us to give more generously of ourselves. And it is a stretch for us spiritually as we are continuously awed by the creation through which we are pedaling and given the contemplative time that distance cycling provides for listening to God,” said Bishop Hollingsworth in a recent posting on his personal blog.

The bike ride took off at the close of the Episcopal Church’s 76th General Convention on Friday, July 17 at the Anaheim Convention Center in California and will end at the Episcopal Church Center in New York City.

To make a contribution in support of the ride, please donate online to “Bishops Bike Ride” or call 1-800-334-7626, ext. 5129. Gifts can also be mailed to “Bishops Bike Ride” Episcopal Relief & Development, PO Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058.

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