Survey: Episcopal clergy, General Convention in step

Religious Dispatches:

[A] recent nationwide study of Episcopal clergy makes one thing clear: the American General Convention is not walking apart from the opinion of its own clergy.

According to the Clergy Voices Survey conducted by Public Religion Research, Episcopal clergy strongly support both the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy and performing same-sex marriages in states where they are legal.

First, Episcopal clergy are highly supportive of the idea that “God has called and may call” to ministry gays and lesbians in committed lifelong relationships. Nearly three-quarters (72%) of Episcopal clergy say that gays and lesbians should be eligible for ordination without special requirements. About 1-in-4 (23%) say that only celibate gay and lesbian people should be eligible for ordination, and only 5% say gay and lesbian people should not be eligible at all.

The views of Episcopal clergy are largely consistent with the views of clergy from most mainline denominations.

The authors are Robert P. Jones and Daniel Cox. They were the principal researchers for the Clergy Voices Survey.

See our post two months ago on the results of the Clergy Voices Survey.

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