Bishop Nedi Rivera to step down

From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:

The first Hispanic woman to serve as a bishop in the Episcopal Church is retiring from the Seattle-based Diocese of Olympia, talking of how she has “loved” being here but hinting at difficulties with the man who beat her in an election for diocesan bishop.

The Rt. Rev. Nedi Rivera, the suffragen (assisting) bishop, said that she and Diocesan Bishop Greg Rickel share the same goals, but are going down “different roads.” In recent months, Rivera has spent one-third of her time doing double duty as interim Bishop of Eastern Oregon.

“I feel for the first time in my life that I am behind the times, slow on the uptake and out of synch with the future: I think I am part of the old order here,” Rivera said in a letter released on the diocesan website.

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