AAC’s leader leaves

Steve Waring of the Living Church has broken this story:

“The Rev. Canon Ellis Brust, chief operating officer of the American Anglican Council (AAC) and one of three candidates in the episcopal election in the Diocese of South Carolina last month, has accepted a call to be executive officer for the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA). His wife, Cynthia, director of communications for the AAC, also will join the AMiA as director of communications.”

I wonder if the AAC’s funders have decided that it has outlived its usefulness. This development suggests some interesting infighting on the Anglican right. The Rev. Brust goes from running for bishop in South Carolina to taking over an organization that is locked in a bitter court battle with the diocese. He moves from the leadership of an organization that made its own distorted noitons of “Windsor compliance” the litmus test for remaiining in the Anglican Communion to the leadership of an organization that has not use for Windsor whatsoever.

Meanwhile, the moderator of the Anglican Communion Network has released this letter, which reads to me like commentary on a debate that I am not privy to.

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