Groups cooperate to enlarge shelter facility

Tough times call for old fashioned solutions. When Grace Shelter in Northhampton New Hampshire, a program for women and their families working to overcome addiction, began to run out of space, the cost of new building seemingly made expansion impossible. But now, via a community “barn raising” the shelter should have all the space it will need.

“‘We definitely want them to have a sense of owning it,’ said Judson Brown, one of many volunteers from St. John’s Episcopal Church spearheading the effort. ‘They feel good about it.'”

[…]Work on the barn is expected to continue over the next several weekends and volunteers have their eye on raising the peaked roof later this week. The structure is being built on property owned by the Northampton Housing Authority, which contributed $2,500 toward the project. The Center for Human Development, which oversees Grace House, provided $2,000 for materials, while other businesses such as R.K. Miles in Hatfield and Northampton Paint Center have donated materials or provided them at a discount.

Read the full article here which details the other groups and community organizations that partnered along with St. John’s to accomplish this good work.

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