Tick tick tick: Organizing for climate change in Africa

Kofi Annand, Desmond Tutu and other African leaders are organizing a campaign to raise awareness in Africa about climate change and be sure that the voices of Africa and the poor around the world are heard in the upcoming climate conference in Copenhagen.

From the web-site timeforclimatejustice.org:

‘Climate Justice’ is urgently needed by today’s and tomorrow’s victims of climate change. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people in developing countries die because of climate change-related crises. Environmental disasters cost governments billions, so people suffer even more as economies are hit. Climate Justice is needed by those whose communities and economies are ruined by abnormal and increasing tropical storms, floods, droughts and crop failures. Climate Justice is needed by the world’s children, because it is they who will face greater catastrophes tomorrow if something isn’t done soon.

To avoid the worst impacts of climate change – rising sea levels, widespread flooding and drought – global emissions of greenhouse gases around the world have to drop before 2020. But at the moment, emissions are still increasing rapidly. Scientists point to a warming effect that continues for 20 years following any reductions in emissions. That will mean runaway climate change that we cannot stop – unless action happens now. Emissions know no borders, and neither do the destructive consequences of global warming.

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