Coalición de Episcopales Latinos

The Coalition of Episcopal Latinos is being formed to support and expand the reach of the work of the Office of Hispanic/Latino ministries. There are three Executive Council members on the board of this new group along with Bishop Leo Frade. It represents the Latino ministries groups deciding to take initiative on their own and not wait upon the official structures of the National Church.

At an Immigration Summit held at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, Arizona in April of 2009, it became evident that Latino/Hispanic Episcopalians needed to confront issues of justice with a united voice.

By September of 2009, The Rev. Carmen Guerrero called a meeting with several other persons who had attended the Immigration Summit in the Spring. The purpose of this gathering was to envision the formation of a coalition of Hispanic/Latino Episcopalians.

The vision and dream of over 25 years came to fruition and the Coalition of Episcopal Latinos (Coalición de Episcopales Latinos) was established. Through this organization a new vision has been born and will provide a united voice that facilitates advocating in favor of issues of justice in the Latino/Hispanic Episcopal community, which is direly needed in these times.

Our goal is to:

Offer a strong network of collaboration

Promote leadership development

Advocate in favor of issues of justice and immigration

Monitor and advocate for Latino/Hispanic clergy

Serve as support to the Officer for Latino/Hispanic Ministry

As of January 2010 we have a Board of Directors from across the Church, we have By Laws and our Articles of Incorporation, and our WEB page is up an running, although still under construction We can be located at:

For further information you may contact:

The Rev. Carmen B. Guerrero

Trinity Cathedral

100 W Roosevelt St.

Phoenix, Arizona 85003


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