Kenya: another gay hate campaign from the U.S.?

GayUganda reports on another hate campaign supported from the US, this one in Kenya. Terrifying and possibly illegal websites from the U.S. call for death to gays and lesbians. They provide posters with photos and addresses of people to target. One of the Americans behind this is an anti-gay and anti-abortion activist and sometime candidate for governor of Georgia.

From GayUganda‘s report:

Some of you have already seen this hate site (ed. note: very graphic) This is a highly disturbing development.

First, it explicitly encourages the broad public posting of images of individuals, with a Swahili translation that basically advocates their harm through a Swahili Leviticus ‘quote’ that says death is in order. Encouraging these postings in a place like Kenya presents a very real and potentially harmful threat to their targets.

Secondly, they have put individual faces and in some cases contact information on the posters, placing some people at potentially immediate risk.

Third, this campaign and website appears to be organized and financed by U.S. citizens based on U.S. soil.

Suggestions for action can be found here

There is also a Facebook page for this murderous campaign.

The AP is reporting that the man behind this latest campaign to export hate has been arrested:

A Georgia man who posted a video of himself on the Internet holding a sign that said “Elton John must die” has been arrested for making terroristic threats.

Neal Horsley, 65, was arrested early Wednesday in Carrollton, about 50 miles west of Atlanta, said Atlanta Police Sgt. Curtis Davenport. He would not say who Horsley is accused of threatening, but Horsley’s son, Nathan, said he thought the arrest was connected to the video about the musician.

In the video posted Feb. 28 on YouTube, Horsley held the sign in front of a building where he said John has a condo. John’s publicist, Fran Curtis, confirmed that John has an Atlanta apartment but declined further comment.

Horsley was upset that John, who is gay, told Parade magazine in an interview last month that he thought Jesus was a “compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems.”

The Facebook site and the ProjectSEE website are registered to Neal Horsley, who according to the Southern Poverty Law Center:

At first glance, Neal Horsley appears to be the merry old uncle of his neighborhood on a cul-de-sac in a middle-class Atlanta suburb.

Irreverent, amusing and animated, Horsley seems for all the world a warm and faithful husband, a friend to children, an iconoclastic conversationalist and wry commentator on the state of the world.

A second look reveals an entirely different Horsley — the implacable enemy of homosexuals who promises regularly to “arrest faggots,” a man who proposes to use nuclear weapons in a bid for Southern secession, the Scripture-quoting theocrat who wants to force his version of Bible law on American society.

This is the Horsley that rails on about “desecration,” “pagans,” “lust” and “perverted tolerance.”

And then there is the Neal Horsley who boasts to a young acolyte about having sex with men and with mules, the aging Vietnam War protester who says that “smoking dope, fucking and boozing, that’s who I am naturally.”

An earlier story on Horsley tells of his similar tactics against pro-choice activists and health workers:

Horsley came under fire a few years back for the “Nuremberg Files” which detailed publicly the names, addresses, phone numbers, license plates, etc. of health workers and pro-choice activists. There were even photos and info about their children, because born children have no right to privacy or right to life! Neal crossed out names where a doctor had been murdered. When the news informed the public of Neal’s agenda, he said it was “yellow journalism” and “hysterical.”

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