Rick Warren will spit you out of his mouth

Apparently Rick Warren has been reading Revelation lately, as last Sunday he informed his followers he would spit them out for being lukewarm.

Let me just be honest with you as somebody who loves you,

… he said in his Pentecost sermon to members of Saddleback Church …

If you passively just want to sit around in the next 10 years and just waste your life on things that won’t last, you probably want to find another church because you’re not going to really feel comfortable here. Because if you’re in this church, I’m coming after you to be mobilized.


If we went back to New Testament real Christianity, not the fake stuff … do you think we could reach more people for Jesus?

Without a doubt. We’d reach more people in the next 10 years than the 30 years [of Saddleback’s existence] combined.

And not only Revelation: Warren has lately had his nose in the Acts of the Apostles, which, he says, offers “eight characteristics of real Christianity” – eight awesomely purpose-driven characteristics: laser vision, telekinesis, that sort of thing. Or something.

Still … you’d kick in a few bucks, wouldn’t you, to be able to preach like Peter or Paul, or even just to rock a set of purpose-driven abs? I mean, when the good Pastor says he’s gunning for you, does he mean he’ll scrub your name from the database if you won’t dig into your trust fund to backfill a $900,000 budget deficit with $2.4 million?

Any of this seem vaguely familiar? Five years ago, Warren upbraided 30,000 believers in a packed Anaheim Angels Stadium for not having a fire for Christ equal to that shown by Hitler Youth for Hitler.

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