Has the Church of Nigeria formally engaged in boundary crossing? The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Secretary General of the Anglican Consultative Council do not know.
On their respective websites the Church of Nigeria and CANA openly confess that the Church of Nigeria is formally in violation of the boundary crossing moratorium.
From the Church of Nigeria FAQ page:
Q5. What is CANA?
CANA is the Convocation of Anglicans in North America. Initially started to provide worship centres for Nigerians in North America, it is now a Missionary diocese of the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion catering for many who feel alienated as their former church walks away from the faith once delivered. For more details visit cana website
CANA affirms CANA that it is affiliated with Church of Nigeria. From the CANA “Affiliations” page:
Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
Anglican Church in North America
Anglican District of Virginia
American Anglican Council (AAC)
CANA and ADV affirm ADV is a missionary branch of the Church of Nigeria. From “CANA News Reports” (this one issued after the ABC and the SG statements concerning formal violations of moratoria):
Anglican Congregations Disappointed in Virginia Supreme Court Decision
The Anglican District of Virginia (www.anglicandistrictofvirginia.org) is an association of Anglican congregations in Virginia. Its members are in full communion with constituent members of the Anglican Communion through its affiliation with the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA), a missionary branch of the Church of Nigeria and other Anglican Archbishops. ADV members are a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, a community of 77 million people. …
The Virginia Supreme Court Decision said the ADV congregations lost the case because, as ADV claimed (and as you can see, still claim), they were a branch of the Church of Nigeria.
This information is offered to assist the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Secretary General in their inquiries into whether the Province of the Church of Nigeria has engaged in and continues to engage in crossing boundaries of another province of the Communion in violation of the moratorium against such intervention.
Addendum. ACNA’s Diocese of Western Anglican’s has done us the favor of identifying the inter-provincial interventions in its diocese. The diocese of is comprised of congregations in western United States. H/T to Thinking Anglicans.
Addendum 2. According to ACNA there are several provinces who are in active violation of the moratorium against interventions in other provinces:
The ecclesial and non-ecclesial organizations which have worked together to form the 28 dioceses of the Anglican Church in North America are:
Under the jurisdiction of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone
– Diocese of Fort Worth
– Diocese of Pittsburgh
– Diocese of Quincy
– Diocese of San Joaquin
– Anglican Network in Canada
– Various missionary initiatives in the United States
Under the jurisdiction of the Anglican Province of Nigeria
– Convocation of Anglicans in North America
Under the jurisdiction of the Anglican Province of Rwanda
– Anglican Mission in the Americas (including the Anglican Coalition in Canada)
Under the jurisdiction of the Anglican Province of Kenya
– various missionary initiatives in the United States
Under the jurisdiction of the Anglican Province of Uganda
– various missionary initiatives in the United States
Source: ACNA’s document Our Genesis dated May 2010.
Thanks to William F. Hammond of Albany Via Media for drawing this to our attention.